Celestial Kingdom Active Knights Voting
This report will generate a list of
Knights within the Celestial Kingdom that are Contributing or Active Members. A player must
be waivered, be dues paid, have 7 attendance credits in the previous 6 months
(Contributing), or
12 attendance credits in the last 6 months (Active), and be at least
14 years of age NOTE: The ORK does not track age so this needs to be done manually.
If a player is Not marked as a valid voter, see the highlighted red areas for why.
If a player is not seen here that you think should be, check the Active but Retired
Note that the waivered and dues paid cannot be checked in the past and only reflect the current
values in the ORK. Warning: This will use a lot of data so do not run on a limited cell plan.
This CVS file shows the attendance dates.
Generating player list.....
Park | Knight Persona | Contributing | Active | Signed Waiver | Dues Paid | Days of attendance |