kenwalker (github) / @kwalker / @orionhub
Orion Lead and Orion Dev Lead at IBM Canada
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npm install orion
npm start orion
25 minutes for questions...
Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.
... a platform, V8, fast, scalable, event-driven, lightweight...
node-v0.10.1-darwin-x64.tar.gz - ~4 MB
Java 7 Mac OS X x64 - ~143 MB
Buffers, Child Processes, Clustering, Crypto, Events, FileSystem, HTTP, HTTPS, Net, OS, Processes, Streams, Timers, SSL, UDP, ZLib, others
/*global require window console */ var express = require("express"); var app = express(); app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send('Hello from Node'); }); app.listen(3000);
Open Source Platform for Cloud Based Development
// API handlers .use(orionFile({ root: '/file', workspaceDir: workspaceDir })) .use(orionWorkspace({ root: '/workspace', fileRoot: '/file', workspaceDir: workspaceDir })) .use(orionNode({ appContext: appContext, root: '/node' })) .listen(options.port);
The default file service implementation supports a crawling search engine
That does mean searches are slower however
Plugins are all client side, in the browser so they do work
Since we have no preference store, they are not remembered for you however
npm install orion
edit orion.conf to set a workspace directory
then start the Orion package using npm
npm start orion
Your application can use orion as a connect module
// Make sure that we can .use() the orion server as a connect module. it('exports #createServer', function(done) { app.use(orion({ workspaceDir: WORKSPACE })) .request() .get('/file/project/fizz.txt') .expect(200, 'hello world', done); });
This is our test to verify it works
Write shell extensions for Orion on Node is a good starting point (Ruby? Php? Lua?)
Read our blog at Planet Orion
Check out the Orion BUZZ
Lots of information in the Orion Wiki
Follow @OrionHub on Twitter
Create an account and try it at OrionHub
kenwalker (github) / @kwalker / @orionhub
Orion Lead and Orion Dev Lead at IBM Canada
Clone this talk into from GitHub